For most people, buying a house must be one of the most expensive items in their lives. In urban areas, there are a plenty of properties for sale, but they are extremely expensive in Japan and demand a number of conditions―including the number of rooms, layouts, good sunlight, and ventilation in addition to surroundings if you have children. You have to clear these hurdles, and then build your desired house in a limited space. But for the ordinary citizens, becoming an owner of a custom-built house that meets all your expectations still a dream.
When you decide to build a house, you want to make it an ideal one―the spacious lounge, the dining room filled with sunlight, the comfortable home theater and the gorgeous foyer that entertains guests. It would be a very enjoyable process for any owner of such a house to think about what he wants to use some sketches, models. For the designer, as part of his work, he begins to help put the owner’s image into a reality and move in the direction of a goal―completion of the house. But for the owner, when the building finishes, it is the moment when he begins his new life there.